JLog - Prolog in Java Browser users can click on the example hyperlinks, or open the URLs in another Java environment. To try an example, - From the Consult pane, click on the Consult button which appears at the lower right of the Source text area.
- When the consultation completes, click on the Query tab at the top. The Query panel appears.
- Click on the Query button to the right of the Query text field.
The following examples show JLog in action: - Queens, a program to solve the classic queens problem where we try to place N queens on an NxN chess board without any queen attacking another.
- Belief Networks, a program which calculates the likelyhood of an event given the occurance state for an event, and a propabalistic graph of the the causal relations between events. A fire alarm example is provided.
- Constraint Satisfaction, a program which implements a constraint satisfaction solver where variables must satisfy restrictions between other variables and must be instances of their domain. A scheduling example is provided.
- Neural Network, a program which learns parameterized logic using back-propagation in a neural-net approach. A example is provided to learn the reading preferences of an author.
- Robot Simulator, A program that simulates the motion of a goal oriented, reactive robot in a simple environment. The robot is a small car with a whisker. The robot turns to move in the direction of its next goal, but when the whisker touches a wall, the car turns to avoid it. The example includes an animation of the robot's progress in the Animation panel and a sample environment. This example uses the autorun feature of JLog to automatically consult, query, and set the visible pane. The animation should appear running when the applet loads.
- Definite Clause Grammar, A program that demonstrates the DCG support in JLog. Includes the grammar for a simple arithmetic expression.